Distant Healing
Make sure that the atmosphere you are working in is as quiet and tranquil as
possible. Attunement must then be done before healing work of any kind takes
Sit comfortably and with feet flat on the floor and with hands palm up on the
thighs. Relax the elbows . Do three full breaths ( see note at the end) and
relax the body. Be aware of your feet in contact with the ground. ( any
grounding exercises you are used to or more comfortable with would do just as
Give thanks for the opportunity to be used as a channel for healing. Ask to
be made as pure a channel as possible. Ask for protection for yourself and your
patients. Dedicate yourself and the and the work asking for it to be blessed.
Say any other prayers that you wish. If you wish and have the time, you can
extend your attunement to create a peaceful and healing atmosphere.
Breathe in love and see it fill your body. This can be visualized as pink
light. When you feel totally filled with this energy, breathe in again and on
the our - breath allow the love energy to surround you and fill the space where
you are going to work. Now breathe in peace and let it fill your body in the
same way; this can be seen as a blue or white light. Sit for a few moments in
this aura of love and peace which surrounds you and your work space.
To begin distant healing
Attune yourself as advised. Light candle and dedicate it to your healing. As
for protection and give thanks for being given the opportunity to send out
healing light/vibrations. Focus your mind on the heart chakra and as you inhale
see this center filling up with light, see your chest expanding with this light,
Not, see this light extending to a place in front of you .,,,, a group should
sit in a circle so that the light is enclosed. Remember that even if you cannot
see it the light of healing is still there. Now as that your list of needy
people be put or held in the light and read out the names. When you list in
completed give thanks. As you blow out the candle you might wish to think of
this light being sent out where it is needed ... a strife ridden place or an
environment under threat for example.
Full breath breathing
Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor. Notice your breathing and
allow it to become slow, deep and gentle. Notice what your chest and abdomen are
doing. Full breath breathing involves the movement of the abdomen. Put your
hands there and imagine a balloon which is going to be filled then totally
emptied. As you slowly inhale through the nose, allow the balloon to be filled
by letting the abdomen gently sell outwards.... do not strain. Breathe out as
you feel the balloon of your abdomen deflate....again do not strain but empty
slowly. Do this exercise three times. Notice the difference between the in
breathe and the out -breath. Notice how you feel. Now repeat with three more
breaths but this time hold the breath for a count of three. Count three after
the out-breath before the next inhalation,
Full breath breathing aids digestion and sleep. Use it when you need to calm
down or think clearly. Use it when you fee depressed or unhappy.
Notes provided by Laruna's Circle - Source Unknown - If anyone where this
piece comes from please let us know so full credit can be given - Thanks