Divination Teas


Tea for Divination (Moura)

  • 1 tbsp China black, or English or Irish breakfast tea
  • 2 tsp lemon balm
  • 1 tsp eyebright
  • 1 tbsp mugwort
  • 1 tbsp rose hips


Tea for Psychic Healing (Moura)

  • 1 tbsp China black
  • 1 tsp elder flower
  • 1 tsp nettle
  • 2 tsp burdock root
  • 2 tsp mullein
  • 2 tsp rose hips


Tea for Meditation (Moura)

  • 1 tbsp China black or English breakfast tea
  • 2 tsp chamomile
  • 1 tsp rose hips
  • 2 tsp elder flower


This one isn't really meant to be a tea but might be of interest:

Clairvoyance Brew (Cunningham)

  • 3 parts Rose petals
  • 1 part Cinnamon
  • 1 part Nutmeg
  • 1 part Bay
  • 1 part Mugwort


Place in teapot, fill with boiling water, let steep, covered, for a few minutes. Remove cover, sniff steam (not so that you burn your nose) for a few moments, visualize the mystic scent opening your psychic awareness, then lie down and prophesize. If you wish, drink a bit of the brew as well, and let the steam continue to rise as you stretch your psychic awareness.


Dream Tea (Cunningham)

  • 2 parts Rose petals
  • 1 part Mugwort
  • 1 part Peppermint
  • 1 part Jasmine flowers
  • 1/2 part Cinnamon


Mix, add one teaspoon to a cup. Pour boiling water over this and let steep, covered, for a few minutes. Drink before going to bed to produce psychic dreams.


Psychic Tea (Cunningham)

  • 3 parts Rose petals
  • 2 parts Yarrow
  • 1 part Cinnamon


Brew, strain and drink a cup before or during divination and psychic work to enhance your psychic awareness.