Herbal Table
Here is a table of herbs and their uses in homeopathic medicine.  It is by no means a complete listing nor is is to replace treatment or advice given by your healthcare practitioner.  This table was taken from,  "Smart Medicine for Healthier Living" by Janet Zand, Allan N. Spreen, and James B. LaValle. 
Herb Medicinal Use Plant Part Used How Taken Possible Side Effects Comments
Aloe Vera Topically: Pain reliever, excellent for burns, sore nipples, itching.Internally: Relieves stomach inflammation and constipation Pulp from inside leaf Liquid applied topically to affected area or taken internally None known. Topically: Use pulp from inside plant leaf.  Internally: use prepared food-grade liquid.
American Ginseng Helps strengthen overall constitution; helpful in relieving fatigue or debilitation after an illness Root. Standardized extract, tea, tincture. Nervousness, insomnia, diarrhea Do not take if you have a fever.
Astragalus Immunotonic; reduces fatigue; used for colds and flu Root. Standardized extract, liquid extract, tea. None known. Do not take if you have acute inflammation or fever.
Bilberry Antioxidant; helps strengthen capillaries and blood vessels; good for eyesight. Fruit. Standardized extract. None known. Use with caution if you have a bleeding problem or are taking anticoagulants.
Black Cohosh Balances female hormones and strengthens the female reproductive organs, lowers blood sugar.  Also used for arthritis, rheumatism, and tinnitus. Rhizome. Standardized extract, tea. In excessive amounts, may cause nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, slow pulse. Do not use if you are allergic to aspirin.
Black Currant Has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant actions, and benefits the skin; used for chronic inflammation, diabetes, PMS, and skin diseases. Seed oil. Capsules, liquid oil. None known. Contains balanced essential fatty acids.
Borage Has anti-inflammatory effect and benefits he skin; used for chronic inflammation, diabetes, PMS, and skin diseases. Root. Capsules, liquid oil. None known. Contains omega-6 essential fatty acids.
Bupleurum Liver detoxifier; strengthens immune system; helpful in treating chronic conditions such as allergies. Root. Tincture, capsule (taken in combination with other herbs). None known. Most commonly used in combination with other herbs, not by itself.  Do not take if you have a fever or other signs of acute infection. Do not use if you have high blood pressure.
Burdock Blood purifier and cleanser. Root. Tincture, tea, capsule, fresh cooked root. Dilated pupils, dry mouth Do not take for more than 2 consecutive weeks.  Alternate 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off.
Calendula Antiseptic; speeds tissue healing; useful for cuts, blisters, burns, abrasions. Flower. Lotion, cream, or tincture, applied topically to the affected area. None known.  
Chamomile Soothes upset stomach, calms nerves and relaxes. Flower. Standardized extract, tea, tincture. Allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Use with caution if you are allergic to ragweed.
Chinese (Korean) Ginseng Helps strengthen overall constitution; helpful in relieving fatigue or debilitation after an illness. Root. Standardized extract, liquid extract, tea. Nervousness, insomnia, diarrhea. Take in cycles – three weeks on, two weeks off.
Cordyseps Antioxidant, strengthens the immune system; increases oxygen supply to body systems; protects the lungs. Mushroom Standardized extract. None known. Use with caution if you are having a bleeding problem or are taking anticoagulants.
Dandelion Promotes excretion of fluids; used as a diuretic. Leaf. Liquid extract, fresh plant juice, fresh leaf. May cause fluid loss if used in high doses. Contains vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin A and potassium.
Dong quai Blood tonic and hormonal regulator used for problems such as PMS and menopausal symptoms; also has mild sedative effect. Root. Standardized extract, liquid extract, tea. May cause increased sensitivity to the sun. Contains phytoestrogens.  Do not use if you have a bleeding problem.
Echinacea Antibiotic; boosts immune system.  Useful in treating many infections, insect bites, and stings. Root. Standardized extract, tea, tincture, salve. None known. Long-term use not advised.  Best used for 5 days to 1 week at a time.   Alternate 1 week on, one week off.
Evening primrose Has an anti-inflammatory effect and benefits the skin; used for chronic inflammation, diabetes, PMS, and skin diseases. Seed oil. Capsule, oil. May cause minor stomach upset or rash in sensitive individuals. Contains omega-6 essential fatty acids.
Flax Soothing to digestive tract; relieves constipation. Seed. Tea, capsule, oil. Agitation, excitement, rapid breathing. Contains balanced essential fatty acids.  Seeds are safe when cooked; leaves can be toxic and are not normally used.
Herb Medicinal Use Plant Part Used How Taken Possible Side Effects Comments
Garlic Antibiotic, antiseptic, antiworm; lowers blood pressure and cholestorol Clove. Fresh whole herb, standardized extract, capsule, liquid. Stomach upset, contact dermatitis, flatulence. Fresh cloves may be used, but odorless capsule form may be more palatable for some people.  Use with caution if you have a bleeding problem or are taking anticoagulants.
Ginger Aids digestion; relieves congestion; promotes perspiration and relieves fever; soothes achy muscles Root. Standardized extract, tincture, tea, bath or oil for achy muscles. Diarrhea, nausea. Use with caution if you have a bleeding problem or are taking anticoagulants.
Gingko biloba Increases blood flow to the brain and extremities; used for Alzheimer disease and other conditions requiring increased blood flow, as well as for asthma, ringing in the ears and mild depression Leaf. Standardized extract. May cause minor stomach upset, rash, or headache in sensitive individuals. Do not use if you have a bleeding problem.  Use with caution if taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen.
Goldenseal Antibiotic; tonifies mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive system; used to treat many infections. Root. Standardized extract, tea, tincture, capsule. Irritation of mouth and throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Do not take during pregnancy.  Do not take for more than 1 week to 10 days at a time.  This is now classified as an endangered species.  Oregon grape root can be used as a substitute.
Gotu kola Enhances mental performance and improves learning ability; topically used for wound healing of skin and connective tissues. Whole plant Standardized extract, liquid extract, capsule, topical aerosol spray. May cause rash in sensitive individuals Works well in combination with gingko.
Green tea Antioxidant; protects against effect of radiation exposure; has anticarcinogenic properties; blocks the body’s absorption of dietary cholesterol. Leaf Standardized extract, tea In tea form, can cause jitteriness and insomnia if taken in excess. Use decaffeinated standardized extract rather than tea if you are sensitive to caffeine.
Hawthorn Antioxidant; general heart tonic. Leaf, flower, berry. Standardized extract None known If you are currently taking prescription medicine for a heart condition, use only under the supervision of a physician.
Horsetail Diuretic; good source of silica; used for health of skin, hair, and nails. Spring shoots Standardized extract May deplete vitamin B6 Take a multiple vitamin when taking this herb.
Kava kava Eases anxiety, nervousness, and tension; may be helpful for insomnia. Root Standardized extract, capsule, root. May interact with prescription medicines for anxiety.  Prolonged use of high doses can cause skin rash. Do not use if you have Parkinson’s  disease.  Avoid alcohol while using this herb.  Use caution when driving and performing tasks requiring alertness.
Licorice Tonic; expectorant; soothing to respiratory tract; tonic for the adrenal glands; increases energy; used for symptoms of peptic ulcer. Root. Standardized extract, tincture, capsule, chewable tablet, tea, liquid extract. Can lead to loss of potassium and high blood pressure with long-term use unless DGL form is used. Do not take if you have high blood pressure or heart disease.  Use with caution during pregnancy.
Marshmallow Demulcent; helpful for sore throat and lung congestion Root Tea, capsule None known May decrease absorption of some medications; check with your pharmacist.
Milk thistle Detoxifies the liver; used for chronic liver problems. Seed Standardized extract. None known If you have chronic liver disease, use only under the supervision of a physician.
Nettle Leaf used for allergies and hay fever; root used for nervous conditions and addictive disorders Leaf, root Standardized extract, tea, capsule None known Leaf should be freeze-dried.
Oat straw Calming; may help decrease cravings for nicotine and opiates; used for nervous conditions and addictive disorders Whole plant Capsule, liquid, extract, tea None known.  
Parsley Increases urination; helpful in treating bladder infection. Leaf Tea, capsule Dizziness, headache, warmth, nausea, vomiting, itching Use with caution during pregnancy, excessive amounts can stop milk production in nursing mothers.
Passion- flower Calms and relaxes; used for nervous conditions, stress, insomnia Vine Standardized extract (liquid or capsule). None known May interact with other medications used for anxiety and insomnia.  Avoid alcohol while using this herb.  Use caution when driving and performing other tasks requiring alertness.
Peppermint Aids digestion; relieves nausea,; reduces fever; relieves diarrhea, gas, heartburn. Leaf Tincture, tea, capsule In large doses, can cause stomach irritation and coldness of the body. Do not use id you are taking homeopathic remedies.
Red clover Blood purifier; helpful in treating skin infections; mild sedative Flower Tincture, tea, capsule None known. Do not use if you have a bleeding disorder.
Red raspberry Astringent; used fro excessive menstrual bleeding Leaf Liquid extract, capsule, tea None known Tea is an excellent uterine tonic for pregnant women.
Rosemary Antispasmodic, stimulating tonic; helpful in treating colds, sore throats, headaches; increases circulation. Leaf Tea, in soup Nausea, diarrhea A strong tea can also be used topically to enhance scalp health and hair growth.                                               
Sage Increases urination; aids digestion; antiseptic; helpful for nasal discharge, sore throat. Leaf Tincture, tea, capsule, topically on cuts or abrasions.  Can also be used as a gargle for sore throats Dry mouth, local irritation Do not use during pregnancy.  May decrease milk production in nursing mothers.                                               
Saw palmetto Beneficial for the male reproductive system; used for benign prostrate hypertrophy (BPH) Berry Standardized extract None known  
Shiitake Enhances immunity; used for stress and fatigue Mushroom Standardized extract None known Do not use if you have a fever or other sign of acute infection.
Siberian ginseng Helps the body cope with stress; enhances energy, immunity, and mood. Root Standardized extract. May cause nervousness and restlessness in some individuals.  May increase digoxin levels in those taking this drug Take in cycles – four weeks on, two weeks off.  If you are taking medications for a heart condition, take only under the supervision of a physician.
Skullcap Sedative, nerve tonic. Leaf Tincture, tea, capsule Giddiness, irregular heartbeat Best used in combination with other calmatives.
Slippery elm Helpful in treating constipation, diarrhea, irritated/inflamed gastrointestinal tract. Bark Capsule, powder None known  
St. John’s wort Antiviral; used for mild depression; used topically for bruises and sprains Flowering buds Standardized extract, topical oil May cause increased sensitivity to the sun. If you are currently taking prescription medication for depression, use only under the supervision of a physician.  Do not use if you are taking a monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor.
Thyme Antiseptic; relieves lung congestion, diarrhea, lack of appetite, colic, flatulence; useful for peptic ulcer disease. Leaf Capsule, tea, in soup In large doses, can cause diarrhea. May be used as a mouthwash.
Turmeric Antioxidant; used for inflammatory conditions such as arthritis; may lower blood cholesterol levels. Root Standardized extract May cause minor stomach upset or rash in sensitive individuals. Do not use if you have s bleeding disorder or peptic ulcer.  Do not take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen when taking this herb.
Yellow dock Detoxifier; mild laxative; antiworm; relieves cough and lymphatic congestion. Root Tincture, tea, capsule In large doses, can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Encourages perspiration.