Burn Relief - Part One
Aloe Vera & Honey Sunburn Relief
¼ cup dried calendula flowers
¼ cup dried lavender buds
¼ cup dried peppermint
¼ cup aloe-vera juice
¼ cup honey
2 cups water
place water in saucepan and bring to a boil.
Turn down the heat. Add the
calendula flowers, lavender buds, and peppermint, gently heating on low for 10
minutes. Strain. Add the
aloe-vera juice and honey, mix well.
Pour the mixture into a spray bottle, and spray the
affected area freely several times a day. This
spray helps relieve the heating and cooling effects of sunburn.
Vinegar Sunburn Relief
(apple-cider vinegar)
Apple-cider vinegar is very soothing and healing.
Soak a clean cloth in vinegar and apply it to the sunburned area.
The vinegar will soon take away the pain.
Use when needed.
Yarrow and Potato Sunburn Relief
3 large potatoes
handful white yarrow flowers and leaves
Slice the potatoes and cover them with water.
Add the handful of white yarrow blooms and leaves.
Boil 5 minutes. Cool.
Strain. Soak a cloth in the
liquid, squeeze out a little, and apply as a loose bandage on the sunburn.
This helps reduce pain.
Honey Sunburn Lotion
½ cup olive oil
2 T honey
½ cup apple-cider vinegar.
Warm the olive oil gently and blend in the honey and
vinegar. Let cool.
Apply liberally as needed. Keep
on hand this summer.
Sunburn Lavender Spritz
¼ cup olive oil
¼ cup dried lavender buds
2 T vitamin E oil
Gently warm the olive oil and add the lavender buds.
Let warm gently for 15 minutes. Strain.
Cool and add the vitamin E oil. Place
in a small Spray bottle and keep on hand to spritz sunburn.
This healing spritz prevents scars, and lavender will dull the pain.