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Predicting Through Reading Tea Leaves


Author Unknown

Predicting by using tealeaves was in the 19th century in Europe quite popular, but nowadays it is hardly practiced. Not, because the techniques were that extremely difficult, but much more because almost everyone uses teabags in stead of just unpacked tealeaves. That causes, that no leaves are left in the cup after drinking. So if you feel invited to this prediction method, the first thing to do is drinking tea at that 'old-fashioned' way.

You need for each cup one teaspoon with tea and one extra for the teapot. You'll notice it tastes nice, but if you plan to use it too for prediction, I suggest the use of white cups, because it gives a better


for the dark leaves. Each person in your 'tea session' who wants to hear  something about their personal future, should leave a little liquid behind in their cup.

This is stirred to let the leaves floating in stead lying quiet on the bottom of the cup. Immediately after that is done, the liquid part is carefully poured out. By doing this, the tealeaves stick behind on the inside and the bottom of the cup. Than comes the moment for you to fix a strong and deep concentration on those tealeaves. Close your eyes halfway and give your powers of imagination 'free way'. Try to discover in these tealeaves a known picture, i.e. a book, an axe, trees, a hat, etc...etc...

The following step is the interpretation of that discovered picture.


You can use for that the next explanations:

Anchor: A journey, at the end of that trip happiness.

Arrow: Luck in love affair(s).

Axe: (A pickax or a saw is also possible) Be warned to deal carefully with your money and your emotions.

Balloon: (Also a non-army airplane): An unexpected promotion, going for the better or inheritance.

Bird: See: flag.

Book: Ask advice before going further going on in things your are (or are going to be) involved.

Bottle: Your social activities will increase.

Bow: There will come a meeting or a date that is important for your further life.

Butterfly: Your partner/spouse/life-mate takes your affair not as serious as is essential/ necessary in your view.

Chain: In a certain activities in your professions you should give more and better efforts.

Clock or watch: An important meeting will happen.

Crown: Promotion.

Cross: Big tough luck. If you can see a second picture in the leaves, than that can give more details on the area that is involved.

Dice: Avoid risks.

Doorbell: You may expect good news.

Envelope: Good news is coming.

Fish: You will get unbelievable news from far away.

Flag: Your level of prosperity will increase.

Foot: Expected good news will not come.

Gate or door: An unexpected change in your personal circumstances.

Hammer: You should make more efforts to give your best.

Harp or harpsichord: Prosperity and luck will become yours.

Hat: You have to go through some touch luck.

Heart: You will get emotional excitement.

Key: You will get a better understanding about certain things that are unclear to you now.

Knife: You'll get a quarrel or even a row.

Ladder (Household): Improvement.

Moon (Waxing): A little profit will become yours.

Ring: A lot of non-material luck/happiness.

Rocks: In short time you will get some problems. (Not very big).

Roof: At home with you something will change.

Scales: You should improve your dealing with weighting advantages and disadvantages. Things have more than one side.

Ship: A journey will bring luck and happiness.

Street: (Two tealeaves straight between each other): Business in which you are involved will go well. (Two tealeaves not straight between each other): Business in which you are involved will not turn out well.

Trees: Everything will bloom.


  • Such a picture that is close to the edge of the teacup points to a time period from three till six weeks on the things that are predicted.
  • If the picture is on the bottom it means a time period of at least two years before that prediction will happen.
  • In the middle of the inside means about a year.

By training and experience you will become able to interpret more pictures as are described here.

Don't forget: as with every prediction method, it will only work as it's fully implemented in yourself.

The fewest doubt will make that your efforts to predict will fail.

(The 'client' need not believe that).